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Repay Your Loan via Contract

If you are experiencing any issues that prevent you from repaying your loans on, you can use the loan contract to repay directly. This article provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to do it.

Before You Begin

Before you begin, make sure you have the following information:

  • The ID of the loan you want to repay. There are two ways to obtain the ID:
    • Check the Loan ID on the correspondent Borrower Note Ticket NFT in your wallet.
    • Check the notification email you received with subject starting with Upcoming due for loan, the number after Your loan # is the Loan ID.
  • A wallet with enough WETH to pay. (Doesn't have to be your wallet)

Loan ID on the Borrower Note Ticket NFT

Approve WETH

If you have never approved WETH on the x2y2 loan contract:

  1. Open the page of WETH
  2. Click the Connect to Web3 button to connect to your wallet.
  3. Expand the 1. approve (0x095ea7b3) function section.
  4. Fill 0xef887e8b1c06209f59e8ae55d0e625c937344376 in the guy (address) input.
  5. Fill 1000000000000000000000 in the wad (uint256) input. (Approve 1000 ETH, adjust the number if you want)
  6. Click Write button, and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Repay Loan

  1. Open the page of X2Y2 Fi
  2. Click the Connect to Web3 button to connect to your wallet if not connected yet.
  3. Expand the 19. repay (0xe7610eb1) function section
  4. Fill the ID of your loan in the _loanId (uint32) input.
  5. Click Write button, and confirm the transaction in your wallet.
  6. Once the transaction is confirmed on chain, your loan is repaid and status on X2Y2 will update within 1-2 minutes.