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Buying a Private Sale

If you come across an NFT that has a Lock icon on the bottom left, it means it's a private sale. Unlike other listings, private sales can't be added to the checkout cart or purchased along with other listings.

Private sales can't be added to checkout cart or be purchased together with other listings at once.

Private sale banner

Locating Your Private Sales

If there are private sales available for your wallet address, you can locate them in the following ways:

  • A banner will be displayed on the homepage of x2y2

Private sale banner

  • Navigate to the Offers tab on your profile page.

Private sales under Offers

Purchasing a Private Sale

To purchase an NFT through a private sale, follow the steps below:

  1. Check if the listing is dedicated to you by verifying the address and the private sale mark.

Private sale mark

  1. Click the Buy button to begin the purchase process. The remaining steps are the same as purchasing a fixed-price listing.