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Collection Offer

Collection Offer is an offer that applies to every item in a collection. If someone accepts your collection offer on one item, all other offers on the other items in the collection will be cancelled.

  • Collection Offer are paid in WETH.
  • Making a collection offer does not necessarily move your money out of your wallet until it is accepted by a seller.
  • Collection offers can be cancelled anytime before they are accepted.
  • Collection offers are set with an expiration time. The offer will be cancelled once the time is up.

Making a Collection Offer

On every collection page, there is a large blue Make Collection Offer button next to the collection description.

Collection offer button

Click the button, and a dialogue box will appear where you can fill in the offer price and expiration date.

Collection offer dialogue

Make sure you have enough WETH in your wallet to cover the offer.

Click the Offer to collection button in the pop-up, and your wallet should prompt you to confirm the signature.

If this is your first time making an offer, your wallet may prompt you to approve WETH before the signature.